
Hi, I’m A.J. Whitfield, I’m a freelance artist for comic books and animation. Contact me at my email at AshleyWhitfield00@gmail.com

Featured Artwork

When given the prompt to revamp the Christian Devil, a Stepford wife character with a “Live, Laugh, Love” cross stitch parody came to mind.
Four separate drafts to get to the cover of my first web comic. The plot is about several super-powered beings going missing, and it’s up to the three main leads to find and rescue them.
An important scene of the main character’s revelation of her backstory.
Commission to update a character’s design of a dragon knight. The lighting was to give it a more serious feel.
Commission from a friend to replicate medieval posters, with the description “Festival of the Dead.”
Thumbnail for a song about a woman and a possessed doll playing cards.
Upon realizing one character has feelings for the other, the comic should be used to illustrate just that.
Attempts at thicker line art.
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Colorist Examples

Made to be disorientating and off-putting, bright and loud colors were used. The butterfly motif was decided due to story reasons.
Coloring test for my boyfriend, of a robot Queen.
Given no other instructions or color keys other than “Noir page.” All coloring was subsequently my idea and direction.
To showcase the dire tone of the situation, it was decided to use washed out and pale colors, to contrast with the night outside, and usual bright coloring of the rest of the comic.
Modern re-imaginings of various Greek and Roman Myths, such as Ursa Major, Elpis the Spirit of Hope, Medusa, and Pandora.
Demonstrating the difference between the pale coloring and the bright coloring to show a significant tone shift.
Some standard coloring example.
Coloring example for cover work of my first web comic.
Description was “Man wakes up to find he’s been set up.” I call it “Ah shit, Jerry, not again.”
From left to right: The original coloring reference I was given for this, then the line art, then my coloring.


Animatic unofficially adapting a steampunk musical by Paul Shapera

Fan animation using the music from the Sam and Max Telltale Games, and the characters of Five Nights At Freddy’s
Unofficial adaptation of the Marina and the Diamonds song, Valley of the Dolls.

About Me

I am a freelance artist and animator. I got my start by creating my own comics and cartoons, and self teaching the craft. I’m the guy on the right, the guy on the left is my cat Mister.

I have little professional experience, but I am always excited and ready to learn any and all new material for a given job.

I’ve made quite a few animatics, and some fully animated sequences. For comic books, I’ve stuck to a passion project online graphic novel for over a year to complete. Still working on future installments.


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